Eliminate MSK pain.

A proactive benefit for your team.

AI-powered platform to help your team eliminate workplace musculoskeletal pain, reduce absences, boost productivity, and cut occupational health costs, all while enhancing quality of life.

Trusted by leading employers across the globe

Eliminate neck and back pain
with Vitrue VIDA

Proven to reduce rates of musculoskeletal pain by over 30% in desk workers in the first 6 months

A proactive approach

Flip your MSK benefit strategy to help solve problems before they require escalation to occupational health or healthcare systems

Proven cost savings

MSK issues are often the #1 cause of absence and the #1 healthcare spend. Reductions in pain of over 30% drastically reduce these costs.

Global regulatory compliance

In addition to lowering pain, VIDA automatically makes you compliant with global DSE/VDU regulations meaning you can eliminate these costs and time.

An MSK benefit designed to reduce pain for your remote, office and hybrid teams.

Eliminate your neck, back or shoulder pain.


A personalised risk profile

Everyone's risk of musculoskeletal injury is different. VIDA analysises your lifestlye, genetics, past issues as well as how and where you work to understand where your personalised risks lie.


AI based posture assessment

VIDA uses your webcam to spot any issues with your posture, shoulder imbalances and the ergonomics of your work setup. In just 3 seconds, VIDA can help you tackle the leading cause of work related pain.


Pre-existing conditions

Whether you have a history of back pain, recently tweaked your back playing golf or have a chronic condition that causes MSK issues, VIDA will help you adapt how you work to minimise your risk of pain.


VIDA Online Pain Coach

In addition to ergonomics, equipment, behaviour and environment recommendations to reduce your pain, VIDA can enroll you in a personalised online stretching program to reduce risk or eliminate existing pain.

Improve wellbeing, reduce costs.


A way to reduce pain for distributed teams

Everyone in your team has a different risk profile for MSK pain. Hobbies, genetics, age, working behaviour - reducing pain across the board can only work if you empower your team with the knowledge and resources themselves.


Reduce occupational health referals

By reducing risk and eliminating pain early, VIDA drastically lowers the number of employees whose pain reaches the stage where they require escalation to occupational health.


Get help with complex cases

It's crucial to have an inclusive approach to MSK pain in the workplace. Whether you have team members with mobility impairments or complex conditions like scoliosis or arthritis, VIDA ensures your approach to workplace wellbeing takes care of their needs.


Detailed insights to inform your strategy

Data reporting is at the core of VIDA. Using AI based analysis, VIDA can highlight areas of risk. e.g. showing you why the Paris office has lower pain than New York, or highlighting how others in the industry compare.

Focus time where it's needed most.


Save time with proactive case management

VIDA handles simpler cases autonomously, allowing your team to focus on complex issues. This saves valuable time and resources, streamlining your workflow.


Gain comprehensive insights for effective interventions

With VIDA, you receive detailed historical and contextual information on each employee, enabling more informed decisions and tailored interventions with less time spent on background.


Enhance strategic planning with data-driven insights

Leverage VIDA’s robust analytics to identify trends and potential risk areas across the organization. Use this data to develop targeted strategies and proactively address issues.


Improve overall workplace health efficiently

By automating routine assessments and providing actionable insights, VIDA helps you implement effective health initiatives, reducing overall musculoskeletal problems and enhancing employee well-being.

Fully integrated

Signpost to other benefits

We customise VIDA to include your existing benefits and policies. Have in office yoga, subsidised gym memberships or a strong EAP? VIDA can point users towards these benefits to increase uptake across the board.

LMS, SSO and user provisioning

Include VIDA assessments as part of your standard onboarding to get new team members off to the best possible start. Use our LMS integrations to remind your team to check in on their MSK health. With these integrations, VIDA sees average engagement rates of >80%.

VIDA Risks
Featured in
the times
management today

Don't just take our word for it...

"I used Vitrue Vida because I realized I was suffering from MSK pain. The personalized assessment and recommendations really helped me address my pain points and improve my posture."

"I thought it was really easy to follow and very useful to understand my body better. It made me realize how much my posture was affecting my day-to-day life."

"These sessions are really great! I do feel better and the team at Vitrue is always supportive and knowledgeable."

"I really enjoy the sessions that Vitrue put on for us. The morning session is great for shaking off any cobwebs for the day ahead, and the afternoon session is a bit more intense and gets the blood pumping. Simona is a great instructor and leaves clear instructions on how to perform each exercise."

"Vitrue Vida has made a significant difference in how I manage my MSK pain. The personalized approach really works."

"I've noticed a huge improvement in my posture and overall comfort at work since starting with Vitrue Vida."

"The personalized risk assessment is fantastic. It helped me identify my specific issues and address them effectively."

"VIDA's AI-driven posture assessment is a game changer. It quickly identified my posture issues and provided actionable recommendations."

"The insights provided by VIDA have been incredibly helpful in managing my chronic back pain. I highly recommend it."

"Thanks to VIDA, I have a much better understanding of how to maintain a healthy posture and reduce my MSK pain."

"VIDA's personalized recommendations have made a huge difference in my daily comfort and productivity."

"I appreciate the tailored approach that VIDA offers. It addresses my specific needs and has significantly reduced my pain."

"The combination of AI assessments and personalized plans makes VIDA an invaluable tool for managing MSK pain."

"VIDA's approach is both effective and easy to follow. I've seen great improvements in my posture and pain levels."

"I was skeptical at first, but VIDA has truly helped me manage my MSK pain better than any other solution I've tried."

"VIDA's comprehensive assessment and personalized plan have been instrumental in reducing my back pain."

"I can't recommend VIDA enough. The AI-driven insights and tailored recommendations have made a huge difference."

"The ease of use and effectiveness of VIDA's program have significantly improved my quality of life."

"VIDA's online pain coach is fantastic. It provides me with daily exercises that have greatly reduced my MSK pain."

"The detailed insights and actionable recommendations from VIDA are invaluable. My posture and comfort have improved immensely."

"VIDA's personalized approach ensures that I get the most effective strategies for managing my MSK pain."

"I've seen a noticeable improvement in my posture and a significant reduction in pain since starting with VIDA."

"VIDA's AI assessments are quick and accurate, providing me with the insights I need to manage my pain effectively."

"The tailored recommendations from VIDA have been incredibly helpful in reducing my back and neck pain."

The science behind VIDA
We continually study the effects of VIDA on musculoskeletal pain, organisation risk, employee behaviours and more.


of users with desk related pain saw their pain decrease over the time using VIDA.


average reduction in pain intensity across the organisation from VIDA's ergonomic, environmental, behavioural and exercise based interventions.


average pain reducing steps self actioned after each users completes an assessment. For a company of 10,000 employees that's 24,000 actions immediately taken.

    Taking the pro athlete approach to transform your MSK approach from reactive to proactive!

    Predicting injuries before they happen

    VIDA's technology was originally developed for use with elite athletes. In pro sports, it's possible to predict musculoskeletal issues in the workplace before they happen. By combining data on ergonomics, working behaviour, environment, health and psychological factors, VIDA can use the same scientific approach to detect injury risk early and intervene before they happen.

    With this approach, you can turn your MSK approach from reactive to proactive!

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    See how VIDA could fit into your systems and lower pain in your organisation.

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