Reduce MSK pain in physical roles

Go beyond tick box exercises in manual handling and physical labour roles with a holistic, AI driven approach that’s proven to reduce pain. Based on the REBA standard.


of assembly line workers in the automotive industry have been found to suffer from MSK pain.

An AI driven approach to reducing pain in physical roles

Our Physical Labour MSK Assessment identifies and mitigates musculoskeletal risks for employees in physically demanding jobs. Combining a holistic evaluation with the gold standard REBA ergonomic assessment, we provide detailed personal risk profiles and tailored recommendations to minimise risk and eliminate work-related pain.

Proven to reduce pain before escalation

VIDA's methods are proven to significantly reduce musculoskeletal pain. Employees benefit from personalised AI-driven recommendations and the Pain Coach program, which provides tools and knowledge to prepare their bodies for physical tasks, reducing physiological risk factors.

While inevitably some employees require escalation to occupational health channels, with the right proactive approach, you can help your team detect and mitigate risks and minor pain before they progress to this stage. 

Reducing pain requires a personal approach

While comprehensive ergonomic risk assessments are crucial to mitigating against MSK pain in physical roles, these jobs still innately include MSK risk. Ergonomic changes alone cannot completely remove this. 

The only approach that can substantially lower pain is to empower your employees to prepare their body for physical work. That doesn't mean intense exercise, but it does include a personalised approach to working on flexibility, strength and endurance depending on their role.

A personalised approach
  • Assessment: Employees complete a detailed evaluation of their ergonomics, behavior, and existing pain.
  • Analysis: Our platform uses a combination of our holistic assessment, the widely validated REBA assessment and AI-driven insights to analyse the data.
  • Recommendations: Personalised suggestions are provided to each employee based on their particular risk factors.
  • Pain Coach Program: Employees receive ongoing support with tailored programs including daily stretches and exercises.

Covering the full range of physical roles

One of the challenges for pain reduction in physical roles is the wide range of categories involved. On just one site, a worker using vibrating power tools, another moving heavy goods and another doing repetitive motions all have vastly different risks to their musculoskeletal health.

VIDA physical labour assessments and follow up programs are designed to help you cover these risks across the full spectrum. 

Behavioural change program

Perfecting ergonomics and workflows is just step one in reducing MSK pain for your team with physical roles. No matter how well you set up the tasks and tools, physical tasks have an inherent risk to the musculoskeletal system. 

The key is to educate your team on how to tweak their behaviours to reduce risk. 

Targeted pain reduction program

After completing their assessment, your team member will be enrolled in a 10 day pain reduction program personalised to their pain, behaviours and working style.

Their program will include daily stretches and exercises. Each one lasts around 5 minutes and can easily be incorporated into their day.

A more proactive approach

It has been widely proven that a key element of reducing musculoskeletal pain is helping the person to understand how they can engage in their own health before pain reaches the stage where escalation to healthcare services is needed. 

For your colleague with back pain, VIDA will teach them how their back functions, what the common causes of pain are and how the physical movements . 

Actionable insights

You and the other admins of your team will receive monthly updates to show the reductions in pain in your team, how that compares with industry averages and what you can do about it.

Combined with VIDA's desk and driver tools, you can also compare pain rates across different roles in your company. 

Want to learn more about how VIDA could eliminate pain in your colleagues in physical roles?

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